Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Learn Something New Everyday (day 2)

"And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" Romans 12:2

It's no secret that I'm a homeschooling mama.  My days are typically filled with workbooks, science experiments and art projects.  I'm always looking for ways to make learning fun for my children.  I want them to love to learn and to continue learning into adulthood.

I remember as a teenager counting down the days when I would be finished with school and learning.  One day, I thought, I'll be an adult in the real world and there will be no more reading and memorizing and testing what I know!  Little did I know then, learning is a lifetime experience.  Every day is a new opportunity to discover something, to gain a new skill, to learn!  The question is, are you seizing the opportunity?

One of the greatest unexpected benefits of homeschooling my children has been rediscovering my own joy of learning.  Together we immerse ourselves in the history of our country, the creation of our planet, the structure of our language.  And I find myself often saying, "I didn't know that!"  In addition to the new things I'm learning as I teach my children, I'm making it a priority to learn new things for myself.  Some things I've learned have helped me to manage my house better, like making homemade baby food and laundry detergent, planting a garden for the first time, taking up the challenge of perfecting lemon pound cake or painting our bathroom.  Other things I've learned have helped me to be a better teacher by helping me to understand learning styles, giving me new ideas for organizing lesson plans or introducing me to a new method of homeschooling.  In my own personal interests, I've learned to quilt and am constantly reading a new Bible study or book meant to teach and encourage wives, mothers or women in general.  Since starting this blog I've learned how to set up a website template, how to insert "click here" to lead people to a different web address without typing it out and today I learned how to set up a Facebook page for my blog and then set up the blog to allow readers to "become a fan".

All around us are new avenues waiting to be explored, new worlds we have yet to know, if only we will take the time to pursue them. So what's stopping you?  Make it a priority to learn something new everyday.  Get excited about learning again.  Who knows, you might discover a hidden talent or find a wonderful new hobby.

What have you learned recently?  Are you in the process of learning something new right now?  Be sure to leave a comment and share it with us!

1 comment:

  1. I have learned today what a truly amazing friend in Christ I have.. Love, Fran
