Friday, March 27, 2009

Dancing for Jesus

Today I had the joy of watching my child's dream come true. We started going to our current church when Grace was just a year old. When she was about two, the church had a homeschool arts festival and it was there that Grace fell in love with dancing. She watched with rapt attention as a group of young ladies in white flowing skirts danced in worship to their Savior. "I wanna dance Mommy!" was her response.

The next fall she was able to start dancing at Kingdom's Feet, the dance ministry of another local church in our area. She is now in her third year there and is becoming quite a little ballerina. But her dream was always to dance in the white flowing skirt with the other girls in our church.

This year she was finally able to take dance class at our church and today, she walked across the stage in her white flowing skirt and danced for Jesus. It wasn't her first recital and it was actually the smallest recital she's been in. But something about that particular stage and that particular white flowing skirt made it extra special. Today she danced the dream that began her love for dancing.

Both dance classes emphasize that she is dancing for an Audience of One, her beloved Jesus. On the way home from the recital this afternoon, as we told her what a wonderful job she had done, she said, "I just wonder if Jesus liked it." I can assure you, my sweet ballerina, that He sees your heart and your dancing and it brings Him great joy.

Daddy brought me flowers!

My Ballerina in White


  1. That's so sweet. One of my friends at my church actually had a dance studio for a few years and she recently brought up doing a dance thing at our church. I go to a southern baptist church now and they just didn't seem too ready for something that modern yet. It's a shame, but maybe in the future.

  2. What a beautiful ballerina with a beautiful story.
