Saturday, May 2, 2009

Growing in Jesus (and the Backyard too)

This afternoon, after much anticipation and waiting, my hubby built our raised bed frame and filled it with wonderfully rich black dirt. We've been planning and talking about our first garden for weeks, so we were all excited to see it finally come together. We all went to the store together this afternoon and picked out several plants - tomatoes (large and grape size); cucumbers; red and yellow bell peppers; zucchini; squash - and also some seeds for cilantro, green onions and two kinds of lettuce.

After dinner, the kids and I put our hands in that rich soil and planted the plants and seeds. We talked about how we would enjoy the fruits of our labors all through the summer and also about the work that was needed so that we'd have veggies to enjoy - the watering, the looking for bugs/pests, the weeding, the harvesting. The work has been a big part of our conversation over the last few weeks. With Mama being pregnant all summer, most of the work will have to fall to the kids and Dad. So we've talked a lot about reaping what you sow, being diligent and doing your part.

We've also used this opportunity to teach a spiritual lesson as well. In our own Christian walk with Christ, we reap what we sow. If we are spending regular time sowing the seed of the Word of God into our hearts; if we cultivate our relationship with Christ through prayer; if we seek to grow in knowledge and understanding of the gospel and its impact on our hearts - there will be a bountiful harvest of fruit that will be evident to us and to those around us.

One of the kids asked, "What are we going to do with so many tomatoes and vegetables?" Our hope is to share our bounty with our neighbors and our friends and family. In the same way, when our lives are full of spiritual fruit, the bounty overflows and we share the fruit of the gospel with those we love. If our garden is producing bushels and bushels of harvest, people will want to know what we're doing differently so they can try it in their own gardens. If our hearts are producing in us the fruits of the Spirit, people will want to know how we are able to be joyful, loving, patient, kind, self-disciplined and long suffering. Then we can point to Jesus and share the fruit of the gospel in our lives.

This garden is a new challenge for all of us. It will require work, perseverence and a willingness to learn new things. We will have to be consistent in our care of the garden. For me personally, this garden is also a challenge for me spiritually. How well am I tending the garden of my heart? Is it neglected and overrun by weeds of distraction and busyness? Does my life bear spiritual fruit? Can others around me see the bounty of the harvest that God is producing in me? Is there fruit in the gardens of my childrens' hearts? How can I sow seeds into their hearts that will produce good fruit? How can I share the harvest with those around me?

I'm looking forward to seeing what this summer produces - in my garden and in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun for the whole family. You'll have to put some pics up when you get them.
